Thursday, March 12, 2009

Extreme Fishing

Check this out! Extreme Fishing How crazy is this? Brings out a new way to keep fishing entertaining I think. Matt Watson with the help from his buddies and a few beers has thought of new ways to fish for Marlin off the coast of Austria. If you don’t know what a marlin is check out this hyperlink. Marlins can be a very dangerous game fish they can reach speeds of 60 mph and weigh up to 1500 lbs they also have spear like snouts that can reach 3.5 feet in length.
Matt Watson just recently was interviewed by Matt Lauer on the Today show in a feature about his extreme fishing, check out this video. Matt Watson’s got allot guts and talent though, cause I’m not sure I could get my dive just right jumping off of a helicopter to grab the surfacing marlin and hold on, let alone get footage of it. I wonder how many times he’s got hurt doing this. The first time I saw this clip I thought of how bad the outcome could be if he didn’t land just right on the marlin, like if he landed too far ahead and the marlin would spoke and gore him by the sword like snout. There are many outcomes that could go wrong with a fish of that size and power. I do think this is pretty impressive though I’m not so sure that Matt has a lot of common sense or he’s really bored. What do You think? Do you think that Matt Watsons got a new sport or he’s just crazy?