Friday, February 20, 2009

Wind Towers

There has been allot of talk about wind Towers lately I found on the internet. Some of the talk has been about how good they are and some about the bad things. The disadvantages that have come up about Wind towers are cost, noise, production, scenery, and harm to wildlife.
Ideal locations for wind farms are usually very expensive to buy and are not usually beneficial to everyone in community. Wind towers can make people very wealthy and make others wish they had them. Wind farms are also very expensive to maintain properly. In addition to the cost, another area of concern is the noise made by wind farms. One wind generator makes a low, swooshing sound twenty four hours a day that has people complaining. Residents who live near these farms have been saying they are experiencing Health Problems from the turbines.
Another problem with Wind turbines is the amount of energy produced. Wind farms generally have a low energy output, while running at full speed; the largest turbine can only generate enough electricity to power 475 homes. Many wind farms locations where wind energy can be produced on a large scale, are far away from places for which wind energy is best suited. Meaning, the economical nature of wind energy may take a beating in terms of costs of new substations and transmission lines to get the energy where it is needed most.
Although wind power doesn't cause pollution while generating power, it does have a few negative impacts on the environment, Birds for instance like strong winds. It is very common for migrating birds and mammals to fly into wind turbines and get killed. Is this helping the environment? I don’t know you tell me. These are just some things I found that are the negatives from wind towers. There are positives about wind farms also but I would just like to get my readers thinking tell me your thoughts.